
This evolution isn’t just a passing trend; it’s a response to a deeper understanding of how the body and mind work together for optimal health and performance. Recovery is no longer seen as an afterthought—it’s becoming the foundation of sustainable fitness.

Ice baths have become more than a recovery tool - they’re a strategic performance booster, whether for post-exercise muscle relief or pre-exercise endurance. From athletes to wellness enthusiasts, the huge advantages of ice baths are being discovered.

Ben Tansley was riding home on his motorbike with his son, Jude, along the country lanes of Norfolk when another bike hit from behind. They crashed and both Ben and Jude were thrown off. Jude was fine, but Ben suffered life-changing injuries.

To answer this question, we first must understand how the body manages the cold… “Thermogenesis” is the term for the body’s temperature regulation system. It’s one of the ways our body keeps us alive. In a nutshell, the brain and body work together to regulate our temperature through hormones and neurotransmitters. Everyone has an internal thermostat that sits just behind the nose.

“Well, everything has a tipping point. I see it as “chosen suffering”. The ice is another option to make that moment in your life a little bit more difficult. To callus the mind. To be in a position where we actively choose not to choose the easy route. And there might not be any other motivation other than to maybe toughen up a bit. Because everyone’s aware that life has a tendency to throw you a curve ball every now and again. Sometimes you see people who have had easy lives and they get themselves into a situation where life gets tough.

Laurence Fountain is the owner of Salus London. An exclusive gym that provides elite training, body conditioning, and lifestyle coaching. We met Laurence through Professor Green, who invited him to try the Ice Bath in his back garden. You could say the rest is history, but actually, it was more like the beginning of the future. As the owner of a gym, we asked Lawrence what is the role of cold water immersion in recovery?

Up in Scotland’s Speyside Valley lies the whisky trail that winds alongside the cold rushing waters of the Spey River. This famous fiery amber nectar is carried in casks and barrels all over the world, but it’s right here, in this beautifully remote spot, where our story begins.

Does cold immersion impact muscle growth and should it be avoided if you’re looking to gain muscle mass? Yes, and no. Our ice baths are used by athletes across the UK as an essential part of their physical recovery. If you’re specifically aiming to build muscle, read on.

If you’re going to embark on this journey, you need to remember it’s going to be uncomfortable and challenging but that’s quickly overcome by how invigorating and rewarding the whole process is.

Cold water immersion has been around for centuries but more recently, its boosted popularity is causing people to ask more questions than ever. The answer is yes, cold water immersion can help with weight loss. But let’s look at the science… 

Zack George (aka ‘Silverback’) is one of the world’s top CrossFit athletes, a fitness influencer and officially the UK’s Fittest Man 2020. Born and raised in Leicester UK, Zack George’s story is one of dramatic change, resilience and hard work.