Residential Ice Bath & Ice Plunge
Our residential ice baths, plunge and plunge XL all have the same inner workings and finishing options, there only difference is size. Checkout our most commonly ask questions below, you can always get in touch if you are unsure.
We have a dual-stage filtration system consisting of a sediment filter and a UV filter. The water in your Brass Monkey constantly circulates through both of these. The filter's job is to keep the water clear, and the UV's job is to keep the water free of pathogens. If there is a blockage in the flow due to a lack of cleaning, you will find the bath will not work efficiently; the water will stop circulating and become dirty.
If you have reusable pleated filters, you simply rinse any visible scum away with a hosepipe and then soak in a chlorine solution such as Lo-Chlor. Rinse again and leave to dry.
You can do this with a submersible pump - available on Amazon. Attach it to your hosepipe and either drain the water down a drain or into the garden.
Huwa San TR3 or any food-grade hydrogen peroxide 3%
Full instructions are in the guide and should be followed carefully. There are also links to the guide on the website
A filter change may be required -
- Check that the water flow is flowing from the outlet within the bath.
- Remove half the water from the bath and replace the filter.
- Lost seal in bleed key - Check the air relief key still has its black seal, keeping the pressure in the filter housing. If not, you can request a new one from is released from the air relief key whilst the bath is switched on. This will cause an airlock, and the filter will not be fully used. Enter maintenance mode and then bleed the filter.
You cannot use chlorine or bromine or any other harsh chemicals in the bath as it will deteriorate the steel, which will rust and break down eventually.
We recommend the use of Huwa-San, which is silver-stabilised hydrogen peroxide. This breaks down into water and oxygen when used in the bath and creates no nasty by-products.
The ice bath can be periodically flushed using Huwa-San TR20 to remove the build-up of biofilm and bacteria from the system. If you already use Huwa-San frequently, then you will not need to run a system flush, however, it is recommended to change the water and rinse the bath periodically (depending upon usage, we recommend this process every 6 months). Full instructions can be found in the guide.
The filter, a hosepipe, access to a freshwater supply and a power supply that is on an RCD-protected circuit (no extension cables)
We love helping people get their cold on! It’s why we exist!
We have a guide on cold water immersion, the science behind it and how to build a cold water immersion practice. This can be found in the app or downloaded at
Or, if you’d like to chat about cold water immersion, just call us!
Our patented technology means our ice baths & plunges run what we call ’ice cycles’. When the bath is set to below 2 degrees, we freeze the bottom of the bath and release it in cycles, this creates 15-30mm ice sheets that break up easily and means your ice bath can drop to zero degrees with ice in.
If you find you have too much ice, you can toggle the temperature slightly higher to create fewer ice sheets. If you find you have too little ice and your bath is at freezing temperatures, you will need to set a schedule on the app. This is because, as ice melts, it lowers the bath temperature below the set point and won’t create any more ice until it is above the set temp. Ice is melting, keeping the water cold. This can be rectified by setting a schedule so ice is ready when you want it.
These can be found in detail on our website, but in short, Brass Monkey offers a 2-year Limited warranty. This covers defects or malfunctions that arise during normal use conditions, but specific exclusions apply - all noted on our website
If you have any problems we’re happy to help. Call us on 0113 5267255 or email
Pressing start will begin a session in the bath. It switches everything off for a peaceful experience and ensures that any ice on the base of the bath is defrosted.
When the light in the bath is solid blue, it is safe to get in the bath. If the blue light in the bath is flashing, it means a defrost cycle is necessary. This will run for 7-8 minutes and will then revert to solid blue, meaning it is now safe to get in the bath.
Your Brass Monkey can take up to 24 hours to get down to freezing temperatures. When it is down to temperature, toggle up and down by 0.1°C to achieve your desired level of ice.
Yes. The cooling and cleaning system will run in the background, making sure you have clean water at the temperature you desire.
Take a look at our product comparison sheet to compare the sizes and how that might work for you and in the space that you have available.
If you select ‘integrated plumbing’ we will provide handoff points which you can then ask a local plumber to connect to your water and waste supply but we don’t offer a plumbing service.
Brass Monkey offers a 2 year Limited Warranty, which applies only to non-commercial, residential use of the Brass Monkey Ice Baths and Plunges. The Limited Warranty includes replacement of parts that are shown to have defects in workmanship and covers defects or malfunctions that arise during normal use conditions. The Limited Warranty does not cover damage as a result of adding chemicals to the water, neglected filter care and replacement, power outages, lack of attention to low water flow, or any other form of neglect, misuse or abuse. Certain other exclusions apply, as further described in this Limited Warranty. The Limited Warranty applies only to defects discovered within the applicable Limited Warranty period and only so long as the Ice Bath or Ice Plunge remain in the possession of the original purchaser (or original owner if purchased as a gift). All parts covered under this warranty are warrantied for a period of 2 years from the date of delivery, with the exception of the insulated top cover which has a warranty of 1 year.
Our service and installation team use specialist trolleys to wheel your Brass Monkey to an agreed location if this service is selected. You may want to protect floor surfaces such as wood or carpet if it will need to travel across this route.
Yes. They must be left for 24 hours before switching on, just like a fridge freezer.
Your Brass Monkey can be delivered ‘naked’ without their exterior cladding and then built on-site. This can make delivery easier if you have a tight gap to get through. Chat with one of our sales team about the dimensions to see if we can help make it work.
Yes either! It is a good idea to make sure there is adequate ventilation available. You will need to leave a 30cm gap around the bath to allow for airflow to the cooling equipment.
Yes. Cooling performance will be impacted by 50%. It will be 50% less efficient. This can cause issues on refilling and cooling down your Brass Monkey. The Brass Monkey will be cooling more frequently than cooler rooms, so you may want to consider the additional energy consumption. If it is possible to provide ducting to an outdoor air source, we can work with you to connect your bath to this so it draws in cool air from the outside.
We would recommend purchasing the “pool pack” which means the steel is upgraded to 316 grade stainless steel to protect against chlorine in the atmosphere. It doesn’t mean the chlorine can be used in the bath. The finishes we recommend for these environments are steel or Millboard.
Unlike those of us hacking chest freezers (we once did that too!) you don’t need to unplug your Brass Monkey - in fact it is vital that you leave it plugged in so that it is earth-grounded all the time. That way, you’re safe. We’d ask that you plug your Brass Monkey in 1m away from the tub, just in case you accidentally splash water on the plug socket, this would trip or damage your household electrics, though you’d still be safe in the ice bath itself.

Mobile Application
Designed to work with gen-2 ice baths and our chillers, the app gives you total control and access to amazing free content and guided ice dips.
You can use our companion app to:
-Change temperature, Trigger defrost, Start a session, Set a schedule, Access user guides, Raise a support ticket & View FAQ’s
The mobile application will work with any Brass Monkey ice bath/plunge or chiller delivered after 1st October 2022. If you download the application, it will walk you through how to get your Brass Monkey with the app.
This is usually caused by the BM not being able to detect wifi. Check that your wifi is in range and is on 2.4 GHz frequency (usually found on the back of your router) If it is not in range, you may need to move the BM closer to wifi or install a booster.
Delivery FAQS
Before delivery is arranged, our delivery form must be completed which can be found here
The form must be filled in as accurate as possible as failure, failure to do so may result in failed delivery and any additional delivery charges may be passed to the customer.
Within the form there is the option to upload a short walkway video of the route from where the van will be able to safely park through to where you'd like the Brass Monkey® positioning.
The form is to ensure we have the right size delivery team and equipment with us. As these baths weigh up to 350kg and are obviously extremely rigid even things like pebbled walkways, steps and grass can make thing challenging.
There are a few things to check over to ensure you are ready for delivery - if you have any issues with the below, do get in touch we can help to find a solution.
Access for the delivery van to park and unload.
A clear pathway of approx 1m wide from unloading to the final site If there’s any pinch points, let us know and we’ll try figure out a solution.
Grass or gravel can be tricky for our trolley to travel on and mats may be required- let us know if this is the case.
Stairs require extra manpower/lifting and could incur a cost. Small steps are usually OK and require us to bring ramps so pictures/videos are useful if this is the case.
The bath requires a flat surface that can take the load of the bath >500kg.
It is useful to have a clean water supply available near the site of the bath with a hosepipe to fill up and somewhere to periodically drain the water .
Mains power available within 3metres of the bath site.
DHL is our international delivery partner. They collect the baths from our workshop and will then liaise with you to ensure you bath has a safe and speedy journey through local customs to you.
Installation is very easy once the bath is location, it needs a power socket, ideally within 2metres, though we can extend this cable if needed and you will need a hosepipe within reach to fill the bath.
Our current international delivery partners leave the bath on a pallet outside your home so you would need local support / friends to move the bath into final position. We'd recommend 3-4 people for this (the bath weighs 220kg). Alternatively a removals company that us used to moving large objects such as pianos or hot tubs may be able to help.
In the UK yes we do. It costs an additional £595 for us to position the bath, complete the setup, fill it with water and walk you through the basic functions. There maybe additional charges if specialist equipment is requried to locate your bath. Our customer service team will guide you through this. If you choose kerbside delivery or are an international customer your bath is left outside your house for you to move into position. We provide setup instructions and have tutorial videos to support you and our customer service team can support on this too.