Master your mental, emotional and physical health with our one-stop guide to deliberate cold exposure. Get the science behind the benefits, discover why it’s so good for you and how to get started.

What will I learn?
The DCE guide explores the origins of Delibrate Cold Exposure (DCE) and its transformative effects on the body during cold immersion. It highlights the incredible benefits of cold water, including improved recovery, reduced inflammation, and enhanced mental clarity. The guide provides practical steps to build a sustainable DCE practice and outlines how athletes can leverage it to optimise performance and boost resilience.

The benefits
Our guide will detail the powerful benefits of cold exposure, including an instant boost to mood, sharper focus, and enhanced mental clarity. It explains how DCE strengthens the immune system, supports cardiovascular health, reduces inflammation, promotes relaxation, and aids in weight management, offering a holistic approach to improved well-being.

Download our free DCE guide now

The Brass Monkey community
We celebrate our bold and beautiful community of cold dippers. The ones who swim in our seas and rivers all year round, dip in baths and barrels, and take to the lakes come rain or shine. Our community is where we inspire those new to cold water to embrace its magic with stories, podcasts, events and experiences.