We ask Professor Green: How is using the cold different now from when you first started using it?

“I make far fewer excuses now. I just get on with it. And my health is better than it was. I’ve just come out of a relatively rough period, but as you know, I got straight back out there and I was glad to be in [the cold] for two minutes. And it’s nice to know, I thought I was back to square one, but I’m not, I’m still fairly cold-adapted.
I’ve got to the point where I've done it consistently enough and long enough that it’s changed me. The proof is in the pudding. You know what the science is behind that, triggering and burning brown fat etc, but it just feels good. You can’t not feel good for being able to get in there and do that. It’s an achievement every time you’ve done it, because it’s not easy. The easy thing is to not get in.”