Before you read any further, it should be noted that the suggestions that follow detail physical challenges for advanced dippers only. Cold water is fun, but it’s not a game and should always be treated with respect. It’s a powerful tool that should be used with care. It’s no place for ego or competition.
When we say ‘stress’ we usually think of life stress. Money worries, a job, relationship problems, children causing havoc. The list goes on. Chronic and persistent levels of cortisol in the bloodstream can cause serious mental and physical health problems. Tackling these usually requires fixing the cause and/or our response to the cause, which is why exercise and meditation can provide some remedy, even when we’re in the thick of it.
When we say “cold” we mean anywhere below 16°C. A typical “ice bath” is 5-10°c. Brass Monkey Ice Baths can be set anywhere between 0.1-10°c. The rule is, it has to be cold enough to be uncomfortable, to create a feeling of “Sh*t, I need to get out, but I can stay in, safely”.
When we say ‘stress’ we usually think of life stress. Money worries, a job, relationship problems, children causing havoc. The list goes on. Chronic and persistent levels of cortisol in the bloodstream can cause serious mental and physical health problems. Tackling these usually requires fixing the cause and/or our response to the cause, which is why exercise and meditation can provide some remedy, even when we’re in the thick of it.
From Tony Robbins to Joe Wicks, there's science behind the link between high achievers and deliberate cold exposure. So many CEOs and celebrities swear by their cold water habit, here's why. How do you picture the morning routine of a successful CEO, Athlete, or Entrepreneur? Probably an early #5amclub wake up, journaling, and meditation. Followed by exercise and a cold shower before the rest of the population is even awake.
I’m not going to sugar coat it, my journey to become a certified Wim Hof Method Instructor at the Wim Hof Academy has been pretty difficult so far.
We have become creatures of comfort. We wear shoes to feel more comfortable walking and padded shoes to feel more comfort when running. Central heating, air conditioning, even heated steering wheels not to mention the actual cars for a quicker and easier journey. It’s about time we searched for comfort in discomfort.